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Practical activities

Fine motor activities

Language and social skills

Side skills developed along Activities


Engaging with language in all its dimensions:

  • Communicating with adults and other children through language, making oneself understood

  • Expressing oneself in linguistically correct and precise ways

Building the initial tools to structure one's thoughts:

  • Sorting objects based on characteristics related to their shape. Knowing how to name some flat shapes (square, triangle, circle or disc, rectangle) and recognize some solids (cube, pyramid, sphere, cylinder)

  • Sorting or arranging objects according to a criterion of length, weight, or capacity

  • Reproducing an assembly from a model (puzzle, tiling, assembling solids)

Exploring the world:

  • Understanding the essential needs of some animals and plants

  • Knowing and implementing some rules of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle

  • Selecting, using, and knowing how to design tools and materials suitable for a situation, for specific technical actions (folding, cutting, gluing, assembling, operating...)

  • Building constructions: creating simple models based on plans or assembly instructions

Acting, expressing, and understanding through artistic activities:

  • Identify and reproduce simple rhythmic patterns, either physically or with instruments.

  • Describe an image, talk about a musical excerpt, and express one's feelings or understanding using appropriate vocabulary.

  • Offer solutions in project, creation, or problem-solving situations, using one's body, voice, or sound objects.

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