Practical activities
Fine motor activities
Language and social skills
Side skills developed along Activities
Engaging with language in all its dimensions:
Communicating with adults and other children through language, making oneself understood
Expressing oneself in linguistically correct and precise ways
Building the initial tools to structure one's thoughts:
Sorting objects based on characteristics related to their shape. Knowing how to name some flat shapes (square, triangle, circle or disc, rectangle) and recognize some solids (cube, pyramid, sphere, cylinder)
Sorting or arranging objects according to a criterion of length, weight, or capacity
Reproducing an assembly from a model (puzzle, tiling, assembling solids)
Exploring the world:
Understanding the essential needs of some animals and plants
Knowing and implementing some rules of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle
Selecting, using, and knowing how to design tools and materials suitable for a situation, for specific technical actions (folding, cutting, gluing, assembling, operating...)
Building constructions: creating simple models based on plans or assembly instructions
Acting, expressing, and understanding through artistic activities:
Identify and reproduce simple rhythmic patterns, either physically or with instruments.
Describe an image, talk about a musical excerpt, and express one's feelings or understanding using appropriate vocabulary.
Offer solutions in project, creation, or problem-solving situations, using one's body, voice, or sound objects.